Offering the best of us to CANACAR with guaranteed quality and service

“The fine print we make big.” This was the title of the article written by José Luis Cobián of CN Colima Noticias, where I talk about our proposal to CANACAR (Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Carga) for the protection of merchandise and the benefits that Grupo Nuño has for the transportation area.

In this first meeting we wanted to show confidence and certainty in our products and the service that our account executive Alma Delia Lugo provides to our customers in Manzanillo, convinced that the protection of our policies and the process to insure CANACAR will go hand in hand, working together especially in the advice before, during and after the claims and thus, reaffirming our customer focus.

We share the complete article in the following link and thank CANACAR Manzanillo for their hospitality.

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